
We have followed the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) when designing this styelguide. Below is a summary of the rules that we have applied.

Validated HTML, CSS and JS

All code is validated by a linter in the build process before deployed to production.

Use built in HTML elements

Primarly use the built in HTML elements before creating custom components. Make sure custom components work correctly with different accessibility equipment.


<span class="heading-1">Lorem ipsum</span>


<h1>Lorem ipsum</h1>

Write semantic HTML and use elements correctly

Increase the chance that the information is presented correctly regardless of the users equipment, by writing semantic HTML and use elements correctly.

Example: Use list-related HTML elements (ol, ul, li) for list items only.


<li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="#">About</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Clients</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Contact Us</a></li>



Flexible layout

Use a flexible layout that works regardless if zooming or viewing from different screen sizes.

Use more than color to distinguish information

Don't let color differences be the only way to distinguish information, but supplement with, for example, text, patterns or any other visual indication.

Example: Complement colored notices with icons.


Tiramisu pastry candy gummi bears.
Sugar plum gummi bears.


Tiramisu pastry candy gummi bears.
Sugar plum gummi bears.

Popup functions should easy to handle and close

Popup fucntions such as modals must be able to be handled and closed by everyone. The content should be easy to close again so that it does not interfere with or block the original content of the page. If possible implement close functionality through the keyboard command Escape, a close button and a new click either outside the content area or on the same position that opened the content.

Accessible color contrasts

Give interface components clear visual boundaries between different color contrasts. The same goes for when using text ontop of image backgrounds. There are multiple online services for measuring contrast accessibility, for example Color Tool.

Font size and spacing enlargement

It must be possible to increase the font size to at least double height and width without any problems. It must also be possible to increase spacing between letters and paragraphs without losing any information.

Element focusing

Clearly show which field or element that is in focus.

Keyboard navigation

Possibility to navigate on a keyboard with tabs through the page and its components.

Machine-readable labels on buttons and controls

Make sure that text on buttons and other controls correspond to machine-readable labels.


<button aria-label="Close">Close</button>

Clickable areas

Clickable areas should be atleast 44x44px.

Use autocomplete attribute for input fields

Help users fill in input fields by specifying the content type in the code. Then web browsers can automatically suggest input based on, for example, previous input in fields of the same type in regular form fields.


<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" autocomplete="email" id="email" name="email">