
Grid is an object that allows you to create a grid of elements. Please note that we support both the .grid and .o-grid syntax. However the .grid class should be considered deprecated and .o-grid as it's better scoped and is therefor favored.

Regular grid

<div class="o-grid">
              <div class="o-grid-12@sm o-grid-6@md o-grid-4@lg o-grid-4@xl">Column</div>
              <div class="o-grid-12@sm o-grid-6@md o-grid-4@lg o-grid-4@xl">Column</div>
              <div class="o-grid-12@sm o-grid-6@md o-grid-4@lg o-grid-4@xl">Column</div>
              <div class="o-grid-12@sm o-grid-6@md o-grid-4@lg o-grid-4@xl">Column</div>